Joseph Waldbaum, Esq. Massachusetts Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer
OUI - DUI - DWI Attorney Only
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OUI Wins in Massachusetts Despite Speeding

70 in 35 mph Zone

Not Guilty
OUI-2nd Offense

Call Hillary:

Hillary's Case

Officer arrested me after he said I swerved from lane to lane without signaling and that I was speeding 35 MPH over the limit. He also said I failed all the roadside tests, including the alphabet, one-leg stand, and walk and turn. Joe pointed out to the jury that he didn't make any notes that I was nervous (doing the tests in front of three cops and three cruisers) and that it was 27 degrees out and that I was wearing high heels.

"He's prepared, likable and charismatic.
I cried when I heard 'not guilty.'"

Woburn District Court

Clients You Can Call
Whose OUI & Speeding Cases We Won:


ALLISON 617-538-7879

Cop saw client speeding 25 mph over the limit and swerving from lane to lane without signaling. When stopped, first she admitted to 2 beers then later to 4 beers with the last one only a half hour ago. Plus, he testified her speech was thick tongued. At trial, I got him to admit she immediately pulled over when he signaled and did so safely into a safe area. Also, that she had no issues with her fine motor skills retrieving her license or registration. Plus she was able to exit the car and walk to the front without stumbling or staggering or placing her hands on the car for support. Jury found her not guilty in under 25 minutes.


94 MPH

RENATO 617-337-7121

I told the cop, "I know I screwed up" after I didn't pull over quickly and he had measured me with LIDAR going 94 mph. I failed 2 of the 3 field tests. I told him I had a bad back, but he made me do balancing tests. Joe stressed I had no slurred speech and passed the ABC test. Cop told the jury they could all do the balancing tests perfectly. After 3 jurors smiled and looked down, Joe asked him how he could possibly know that just by looking at people seated in a jury box. Cop then said sheepishly, "Well, most of them probably could." Joe's point was made. They acquitted me in just 10 minutes.

.Natick District Court at
Framingham District Court


90 MPH

WANYI 954-295-6257

I didn't recite the ABCs correctly; told the trooper I had been drinking from 2:30 p.m. to 8:30 pm; and had red, glassy eyes as well as a strong odor of alcohol. Joe got trooper to concede that speeding is not recognized as a known indication of drunk driving by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration. Then, although he testified I walked off line in the 9-step test and put my foot down several times during the one-leg stand, he had not written either of those observations down in his report. That destroyed all his credibility. Not guilty.

Woburn District Court



RAFAEL 617-892-1130

I thought my case was impossible to win. The 3-year refusal suspension would mean the loss of my job, possibly my marriage, and certainly affect the rest of my life. Thank God I called Joe and James. They calmed my fears and got my license back in only a few weeks. Then I could drive legally for the 9 months awaiting trial. At trial, Joe was totally brilliant and won a not guilty! I am forever grateful for attorneys Joe & James.

'If you need a miracle, absolutely call these two guys!'

Somerville District Court



SAM 978-835-6217
After I was stopped for speeding, cops said I failed the roadside tests and failed the breath test with twice the legal limit of .15. Joe argued that I committed no lanes violations, promptly signaled and safely pulled over when cops turned on their flashing lights. Then I showed no difficulty finding wallet and getting license or finding registration, and no trouble getting out of the car or walking. Jury came back with not guilty after only 10 minutes.

Ipswich District Court 
 Newburyport District Court


If you’ve been arrested for DUI while speeding, you should know that speeding is not a recognized indicator of drunk driving. This is the opinion of the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration. Driving too slowly is a recognized indicator of being OUI.

An argument can easily be understood that it takes greater reflexes and mental alertness to operate a vehicle at a high rate of speed than it does to operate one more slowly.

We have won many, many cases even though our clients were speeding when they were stopped and arrested.