Joseph Waldbaum, Esq. Massachusetts Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer
OUI - DUI - DWI Attorney Only
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Massachusetts OUI First Offense Wins

Not Guilty 1st Offense
License Restored Same Day

Call Sidney:

Sidney's Case

I filled out his Free Consultation form in the middle of the night and got a call from Joe in minutes. Although I had court a few hours later that morning, he was there, all prepared and ready to go. Without giving me any false promises or hopes, he explained all my options clearly.

When we later went to trial, the cop testified that I was stopped in the middle of the road after driving on a flat tire. He also said there was an odor of alcohol, that I failed all the roadside tests, and that I was unsteady on my feet and fell over when I tried to tie my shoelace. Joe won a not guilty then convinced the judge to immediately restore my driver's license.

'Joe was always there for me and made all the right choices.'

More Clients You Can Call
Whose 1st OUI Cases We Have Won:



Chris was arrested after performing poorly on the field tests. I immediately drafted and submitted a motion to preserve the booking video to the police, the DA and the court clerk. It showed him walking and acting totally normally and I used it to show the judge at his trial. I also stressed that the tests were done at 3 am in full view of his wife in the car and no one should be expected to perform them perfectly under such conditions. Judge agreed: not guilty.

 Attleboro District Court


BRIAN 508-485-7525

In my first arrest in 2000, Joe proved the police stopped my car illegally and the case was thrown out of court. 

In 2013 I was arrested again after an accident. But Joe proved it was not my fault and the jury found me not guilty. 

In 2016, I ran a red light but Joe discovered it was the cop's first OUI arrest ever and a judge found me not guilty.

 In 2018, I left the scene after a minor accident and the cop caught me in another town speeding. Joe won a not guilty on both the speeding and the OUI charges.

'I will speak to anyone who calls me to verify all these cases at 508-485-7525.'

Marlborough District Court
Natick-Framingham District Court
Concord District Court


MIKE 617-866-8541

Mike almost hit a police cruiser that had to swerve out of the way. Then, after running a stop sign, he almost hit a median barrier. Although the officer testified at trial about his slurred speech, judge agreed that client did well on the 9-step heel to toe walk and turn field test without losing balance. Not guilty.

'Joe is a very competent and likable lawyer.'

Gloucester District Court.
Peabody District Court trial 2/2/19


LINDA 617-538-8271
Linda crashed into a fire hydrant after driving off the wrong side of the road. Cop testified there was a "strong" odor of alcohol, an admission to drinking a few glasses of wine, and she was unsteady on her feet. I was able to get the cop to admit there was no slurred speech, eyes were not bloodshot or glassy. I also argued anyone would be unsteady after a crash. I then submitted medical records from the hospital that night that didn't have any reference to alcohol use. Each of those issues created reasonable doubt.

'Joe was encouraging, thorough and unbelievably well-prepared.'

Woburn District Court


JUSTIN 978-853-4168

Client was stopped for speeding double the legal speed limit. He did not pull over for police officer when signaled to do so then finally parked crooked in a parking space. His eyes were bloodshot, red, and glassy. He had slurred speech and an odor of alcohol. I obtained and presented his medical records at trial that explained many of these observations. Judge found him not guilty and restored his license immediately.

'I was found not guilty of both charges.
These are two awesome lawyers.'

Gloucester District Court
Peabody District Court trial 3/4/19.


MICHAEL 779-456-1777

Client drove over a 12 inch curb and did not stop when police flashed their lights at him. He accelerated to 50 mph with a flat tire. Cop testified he was unsteady on his feet, had an odor of alcohol and his speech was thick and slurred. We immediately filed a motion to preserve the booking video. At trial, attorney Dunn played the video showing him standing normally and speaking normally and argued there was a "disconnect" between the police report and the video. The judge agreed, acquitted him and restored his license immediately.

'I was thrilled at how hard attorney Dunn worked for me.'

Quincy District Court


The Massachusetts OUI law is M.G.L. c. 90 sec. 24.

A first offense carries the following potential penalties

  • Jail in a house of correction up to 2 1/2 years
  • License loss of up to one year for conviction
  • Fines up to $5000
  • Mandatory alcohol treatment program

Many MA OUIs are settled via the first OUI offender disposition. In exchange for your promise to complete and pay for [about $880] a 16-week alcohol education program, known as 24D, a judge will suspend your license for only 45 to 90 days. This would be in addition to the 180-day suspension if you refuse the breathalyzer or 30 days if you fail the one at the station. The roadside breath test isn’t admissible against you.

You are then eligible to apply for a 12-hour hardship license good during the balance of both the refusal and the OUI suspension for any 12 hours/day that you choose. Generally, you must be presently working or attending school to be eligible for a hardship license.

If you pay all your fines and fees and complete the treatment program and one year of probation without any further court involvement, the OUI charge is automatically dismissed and you don’t have to return to court for that to occur. At that point you can apply to have the charge sealed from view on your Massachusetts criminal record to most employers and the general public.